Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thursday Night Winner!

ALCS Game 5- Yankees @ Angels

Well for a while i thought i was going to play the Angels today, but after that dissapointing loss the other night i feel like they are done fighting. The Yankees lineup has proved to be too powerfull for this Angels rotation and bullpen. The Yankees should finish them off tonight, and here's why. A.J. Burnett has right around a 2.00 ERA in his last three starts, and seems to be getting stronger in the postseason. This Angels bullpen is also depleted, and if Lackey doesnt go 8 innings they might be in some deep trouble. The Yankees have only lost 1 game this postseason, and they have the hottest hitter in baseball dominating everyone they throw out. They have also won Burnett's last 5 starts. The angels have lost 7 of their last 8 ALCS games dating back to last year, and Lackey has not been good at home vs good teams. Burnett has also been a lot better at night posting a 3.05 at night vs over a 5.50 era during the day. Lackey has been good this postseason, but that will stop tonight with A rod and the Yankees. Yankees (-105) **

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